Meditation and Mindfulness


Meditation and Mindfulness

These sessions help you slow down and connect to the present moment, the now about which Echart Tollle writes. Meditation does not have to be difficult or mysterious. One doesn't need to sit cross legged in total quiet although it is one of many methods to meditate. It can be a walk in the woods or on the beach connecting with nature. Thick Knot Hanh shares a walking meditation that teaches us to be fully in the moment. The Daili Lama shares his wisdom with guided meditations that connect us to our inner wisdom. Chanting and mala beads also bring many to a meditative state. Sacred Sound with gongs, singing bowls, drums, chimes and more can bring one into a deep meditation too. There is the moving meditation of dance and shaking that speaks to some. We all have our own way to connect with our inner wisdom and the present moment and one is not better than another. The fun is to discover what process feels natural to you.

FREE Summer Meditation sponsored by the Brownell Library

Tuesdays 9:00-10:00 AM Sacred Sound Meditation

Gong, Crystal, Alchemy and Tibetan Singing Bowls, Ocean Drum and Rain Maker, Chimes and more...

The sound vibrates into the body and its aura creating a channel to delve deep into  a meditative journey.

Thursdays 9:00-10:00 AM Guided Meditation

LovingKindness, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Daili Lama, BioScaler Energy are some of the themes used in the Guided Meditation Series.

Meeting at The Brownell Library 15 Commons, Little Compton, RI

All are welcome.

Private and Group Sessions Available

Contact Rosa Bella Volpe for prices and Meditation classes or sessions at your business or location at 401-297-9115.